Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Black & White

Talking of full musical numbers from films, here's one of my favourites, Davy Jones performing 'Daddy's Song' in the Monkees' experimental feature Head from 1968.

An incredibly simple idea executed perfectly, Davy dances the same routine in a white suit against a black background and a black suit against a white background allowing the editor to match up his body position and cut seamlessly between the two.

Daddy's Song

Made with the help of Jack Nicholson and a lot of drugs Head is one of the most surreal films ever made. It was a commercial disaster that alienated the group's teenage fan base and destroyed their carefully groomed public image. Despite it's failure to find any kind of audience at the time it has built up a huge cult following over the years and is packed full of innovative editing and visual treats like this little gem.

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