Tuesday, 21 January 2014

One More Time

Here's a fascinating video that shows how Daft Punk made one of the catchiest songs of the century using a couple of tiny samples from More Spell on You by Eddie Johns. The sample went uncredited on their Discovery album and it was reported at the time that the band denied they had used any samples on the track.

This video shows just how easy it can be to make modern music and yet also highlights the genius of the idea. In the history of recorded music the idea (the song's structure, lyrics and melody) has always been more important than it's execution (the sound of the instrumentation, the quality of the mix etc.) in determining the success of a recording. If a song such as Yesterday by The Beatles had been recorded badly with crackly mics and cheap guitars I should think the power of the songwriting would still shine through and the song would still have ended up being one of the most covered standards of all time.

SPLOID// How Daft Punk made One More Time from a sample they say they never used

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